May 2023 - Marketing Plan

May 2023

Month One post the Fulcrum Acquisition.  Note: - MAKE SURE every post has the new brand on it.  We are getting ready to activate Rocketseed on 01 June 2023.

Download Marketing Plan

LinkedIn - May 2023 

Click images to download content

May Hashtags:  

#viadex #deliveringvalue #technology #informationtechnology #global #technologyindustry #multinationalbusiness #innovation #evolvingbusinesses #globallogistics #globallogisticssolutions #globallogisticsystem #ITvendors #servicepartner #vendorfootprint #intelligenttechnologysolutions #gaming #cybersecurityexpert #cybersecurityservices #globalpartner  

LinkedIn Flags 

Viadex Global LinkedIn Page - 1 per week (refer to Calender for specific dates)

Week 1
Hong Kong
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Week 2
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Week 3
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Week 4
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LinkedIn Questions

Viadex Global LinkedIn Page - 1 per week (refer to Calender for specific dates)

Week 1
Question 1
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Week 2
Question 2
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Week 3
Question 3
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Week 4
Question 4
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Rocketseed Banners  

Rocketseed Banners are leveraging our emails outbound and inbound to promote engagement.  To ensure that we are leveraging all the work done in the previous months - we will duplicate messaging on the campaigns done 2 months previously which also protects against deadlines being changed in the current month.

These banners are set up on the Rocketseed site a month in advance and are driven by the originating email address and the email address of the person that will be receiving the mail. ie. if an email is sent from Viadex to Viadex - this will be internal.  if an email is sent from Viadex to an external address - this will be external.

As we start understanding this platform better, we will start doing individual banners as well.


Download The Rocketseed Engagement Plan
Accounts - Outbound #1
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Accounts - Outbound #2
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Accounts - Outbound #3
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Accounts - Inbound     #1
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HR - Outbound #1
Download Image
HR - Inbound #1
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HR - Inbound #2
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HR - Inbound #3
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Sales - Outbound #1
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Sales - Outbound #2
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Sales - Outbound #3
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Sales - Outbound #4
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General - Outbound #1
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General - Outbound #2
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General - Outbound #3
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General - Outbound #4
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Customer Story - Blog 1/2  

The Blog is published on the website on the Monday specified in the calender - followed that week by the Carousel on LinkedIn with a Call to Action back to the Blog.  Images below are two parts:

Line 1 - Carousel Images

Line 2 - Blog Header Images & Blog Post

Slide 1 Carousel
Download Image
Slide 2 Carousel
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Slide 3 Carousel
Download Image
Slide 4 Carousel
Download Image
Blog Header
Download Image
Blog Copy- FINAL
Download Image

Customer Story - Blog 2/2  

The Blog is published on the website on the Monday specified in the calender - followed that week by the Carousel on LinkedIn with a Call to Action back to the Blog.  Images below are two parts:

Line 1 - Carousel Images

Line 2 - Blog Header Images & Blog Post

Slide 1 Carousel
Download Image
Slide 2 Carousel
Download Image
Slide 3 Carousel
Download Image
Slide 4 Carousel
Download Image
Blog Header
Download Image
Blog Copy- FINAL
Download Image