The Viadex Marketing Team

The Viadex Marketing Team

Reporting to:  Dino Cooper - Viadex Chief Executive Officer 


The Optimisation Team Gill Bowmaker - Brand Engagement Strategist  +44 (0)73 8778 5776 / [email protected]

 Montage Agency - John Perrin (Creative Director) +44 (0)79 5619 3139

Montage Agency - Nicole Allen (Client Account Director) +44 (0)75 1575 9198 - [email protected]

Viadex - Job Mabiala - (Sales Enablement Manager)  +27 (0) 72 708 2041 - [email protected]

Viadex - Megan Doveton (Client Engagement Analyst ) +27 (0) 84 220 3001 - [email protected]


Access Disclaimer

The assets housed in the Dial (Main Menu) are to ensure that every Viadex staff member has access to what  is available and can ensure that Viadex Corporate Identity and Brand Standards. These are for Viadex staff members and the Fulcrum IT Group.


The assets housed in the Dial (Marketing Menu) are to ensure that the Viadex Marketing Team (as noted above) are all aligned in terms of actions, content and direction.   These pages are for INTERNAL use only to people that have been vetted and authorised by Viadex.


The resource is available for Leadership within Viadex and Fulcrum IT Partners at Fulcrum to view.


For Access &  Authorisation and any questions you may have please reach out to Dino Cooper. All edits on the Viadex Marketing Page are done by Gill Bowmaker.