Feedback & Ideas

Viadex Marketing Engagement Overview


The review of the effectiveness of specifically LinkedIn and Rocketseed has been done in combination with Google Analytics to ensure that that the stats between all 3 systems correlates and most importantly we are driving people to our website which is essentially our shopfront.  The results are:

  • The LinkedIn strategy is showing positive movement.  The community is growing (the sample of 35 staff and the Global Page is currently being expanded to all staff). We have attracted 452 new followers to the Global page (Feb to Nov) and are tracking their name, title and if they are Viadex customers manually on a daily basis.  LinkedIn is about consistency and measurement, although it needs to be understood that some engagement (aka. brand recognition) takes time so cannot be measured immediately.  This will gain more strength and reach when the following is added to our monthly campaigns:
    • Video clips / Access to Video discussion on hot / relevant topics
    • Different activities - Non selling but value additions to businesses - white papers, polls, panels etc
    • Paid LinkedIn Ads
  • The Rocketseed strategy is working.  In 135 days we have 937 expressions of interest linked to banners with unique messaging.  These are unique - there are indications that emails are being shared internally within some companies but we cannot see the "forwarded email address" - only the original so have only counted the call to action as a single expression of interest.
  • The impact of these two channels on the website is evident in engagement stats - total visitors, new visitors, length of stay on the site and the fact that people are looking at multiple pages.  Average increase in 2023 website activity is around +56% on 2022.  These results would be further increased in the  plan for 2024 with:
    • The new website creating simpler and cleaner user journeys - 3 step approach 
    • Paid SEO as everything we have done to date as been achieved organically
    • Leveraging our key partners brand strength in the SEO taglines ie. CATO, Nexthink, Hemmersbach 
    • Introduction of the new format to the website - video, podcast, vodcast using product specialists
  • To date we have focused on single solutions ie. DaaS for extended periods. I would suggest that we rotate the 4 keys solutions (DaaS, Dextools, SASE and Multilingual Service Desk) to create opportunities.
  • This page is linked to every marketing page in 2023 in the menu if you need to cross reference any of them. Go to bottom menu - Marketing Team.

Viadex Global - LinkedIn - All reports generated from LinkedIn.

LinkedIn targets - existing opportunities and new opportunities.  Click on the box below to download the report (Excel Format).

  1. Period Feb to Nov 2024 - 452 new followers - organic only.
  2. Global Page has 3,287 followers at end  Nov 23 reflecting a 15.9% growth - organic only.
  3. Target to June 2024 is to build a Viadex LinkedIn Community (Viadex Global Page and Staff Page - 100,000 combined followers.  (Currently updating full staff list). 
  4. Monthly performance reports for followers below.
  5. All LinkedIn Posts are connected to a URL so will influence the visitors to direct statistics.
  6. Name / Company listing is a manual build from LinkedIn - see report below.

Viadex - Rocketseed

All reports generated from Rocketseed

Rocketseed targets existing relationships and every banner is linked to a URL. Click on the box below to download the report (Excel format).

  1. Active 135 days - 937 unique click throughs indicating an expression of interest in the banner content.
  2. The engagement above has been measured as 1 per email sent (this number does not include the multiple click throughs).
  3. From the Find out More buttons it is obvious that the emails are being forwarded and multiple engagements within a unique domain are taking place - evident when 1 email has multiple click throughs on a Find Out More on different dates and times.  We cannot see the additional addresses.
  4. The full listing of email addresses linked to banners is available below.
  5. All LinkedIn Posts are connected to a URL so will influence the visitors to direct statistics.
  6. Find out More / Logo - expression of interest in the topic of the banner.
  7. Contact Me - Expression of interest in the topic of the banner - Generally countries.
  8. Book a Meeting - new engagement to stimulate meetings at shows.

Viadex -

All reports generated from Google Analytics

The website targets all existing and potential customer relationships. Click on the box below to download the report (Excel format).  The analysis to establish whether LinkedIn and Rocketseed are delivering ROI has focused on reporting on new visitors to the site.  A comparison has been done using 2022 (very low activity on LI only) to 2023 to establish a differential and change in behaviour.

  1. New direct users - 2022 @ 5,324 vs. 2023 @ 8,487.  Result + 59.47% (direct URL links - LI & RS)
  2. Total users - 2022 @ 6,987 vs. 2023@ 10,665.  Result + 52.6%
  3. Total views - 2022 @ 12,810 vs. 2023 @ 30,238.  Result +57.6%
  4. New organic users - 2022 @ 1,492 vs. 2023 @ 1,504.  Result static which makes sense as we have done no SEO.
  5. Surges in Activity in February (Launch of Campaigns),  March (Fulcrum Acquisition), July (Launch of Rocketseed).
  6. The average time spent on the site has increased from 2022 @ 29 seconds to 2023 @ 61 seconds.
  7. The average views per user has improved from 1.83 (2022) to 2.84 (2023)
  8. These stats indicate that visitors are more engaged with the site in 2023 than 2022.